Mission Statement

At Mathews Dental we believe in and stress the importance of regular preventive dental health care treatment.

Practice Philosophy

The responsibility of scheduling this treatment lies with you, the patient, but we will encourage you to schedule your next preventive appointment at the end of your present one. Making appointments several months in the future can be difficult, but we will give you several reminders to help you plan properly for these appointments. Of course, treatment for pain, swelling or fractured teeth will be scheduled at any age, whenever the problem occurs.

We strongly advise that children have their first dental check-up at 3 years of age for routine cleaning, fluoride and preventive treatment. If your child is due for his/her first trip to the dentist, please feel free to ask any of our staff members for suggestions to make the initial visit a positive experience.

X-rays are necessary at least once a year for adults and every six months for children to detect bone loss and tooth decay. Without this important X-ray information, a complete or competent evaluation is not possible.

Our Mission

To Provide

our patients with the highest quality dental service possible at a reasonable price.

To Offer

everyone the option to retain their natural teeth throughout their lifetime.

To Improve

our dental care delivery through new concepts, technology and techniques.

To Deliver

dental service in a professional, personalized, caring, positive and respectful environment.

Our Goal

Our primary goal at University Dental Associates is to provide you with the best possible service and dental care. We want you to have the opportunity to achieve optimal dental health and maintain it throughout your lifetime.
In order to help you obtain this goal, we have a team of highly trained employees in which we take great pride. We hope you will have the same confidence in them as we do and let our team serve you fully.